Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Good morning! 

I miss you all very much! I hope you guys are doing well things have constantly been getting well for me here in Colorado. So I've been in 2 trios and I loved them and I decided to tell President last transfer in interviews that I love them and if he was ever wondering where to put one I'd be down with it. lol So this week at zone conference he comes up to me at lunch and told me that I will be put in a trio next Tuesday the 27th! I'm so excited! his name is Elder Smith he's from Utah and he served in Africa for a few months then got hurt and went home on medical and got reassigned to our mission so im very excited! I'm hoping president keeps me here at least one more transfer in the trio caz being in one for 2 weeks would be sad lol. But the Lord has a plan and I've enjoyed the plan he has had so far! Well this week i went to springs 3 times for interviews, zone conference,  and a baptism. so I had a crazy week in springs I think in the last 2 weeks from going to the Denver Temple twice and springs 3 times is the most time I've spent in a car my whole mission now that I've been biking for a year lol. 

It's been super cool our investigator family has been progressing so much they've been coming to church almost through all the lessons she has been reading the book of Mormon they gave up alcohol and tea and coffee. It's so wonderful to see the changes people make in their lives because of this wonderful gospel, but not just physical changes but their spiritual changes to and to see how this gospel brings families so much closer it truly is of God and his plan for us! I love you all so much I'm missing you and hope to hear from you hope you guys have a Happy Easter I'm getting excited for general conference coming up we are getting 2 new apostles! Any ways I love you all hope your having a wonderful week!
May God be with you till we meet again 
Your favorite Da'gum Elder Xander Bowles

Elder Bowles Now posts videos on YouTube

Missionary Mail

Elder Xander Bowles 
Colorado, Colorado Springs Mission
4090 Center Park DR Suit #4
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80916


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