Monday, November 12, 2018

Time is a ticking miracles keep coming!

From the week of Nov 5th, 2018

This week has been interesting just like all my weeks this transfer.  So to start off my week I was really sick up until Halloween and Halloween we helped a new investigator move in and played games as a district then we met with our investigator who said he wants to be baptized this weekend or next weekend and our other investigator wants to get baptized on my birthday week and I love them both the one who wants to get baptized on my bday week is amazing. Things have been so amazing with the work and I found out elder Larsen and I will be staying together this transfer till Dec 18 so we'll be here for my bday. I could finish my mission here which is crazy to think. But life is so good right now enjoying the work enjoying life and always have a smile on my face😁 It is crazy to think that I have 3 transfers left 3 transfers! 

This Week Nov 12th, 2018

Good morning!
How are you guys this week? So my week has been crazy so we had transfers on Tuesday and I told you Elder Larsen and I are staying together for another transfer till Dec 18th.  The rest of my week has been good we had stake conference with Elder Stacey and that was good we had awesome lessons with our investigators and we have a few new district members. So we are in a sistrict or we call it a relief society because it's four sisters and Elder Larsen and I and we are the only sistrict left in the mission but both sisters are training so we have some new missionaries. This week should be good we have a zone training thing for light the world and stuff  that President learned at his training in Nauvoo and we have mission leadership counsel and exchanges and our lessons with our investigators.   One of our investigators who is amazing probably one of my most favorite people I've taught on my mission is getting baptized on my birthday! 😁 😁 😁 I'm so happy they are the cutest family ever! The Mom is a member and they have a baby son who is adorable! But things are well! Teaching lots of people miracles are happening sharing the light with my friends and staying really busy.  I love and miss y'all hope your having a good week.  

Elder Bowles loves to Hike, He and some other Missionaries did a Sunrise hike to Pulpit Rock

 He is the only one wearing shorts!!!

Sunrise Hike to Kinnickinnick 

Was able to see The Schlosser Family from his first area

Elder Bowles Now posts videos on YouTube

Missionary Mail

Elder Xander Bowles 
Colorado, Colorado Springs Mission
4090 Center Park DR Suit #4
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80916

Monday, August 20, 2018

The Weeks are Flying By

Good morning Family! 

So things have been well overall. I've been enjoying training and the learning and growing opportunities I've had. But I also enjoy elder moon he's a good kid just got a whole mission ahead of him I have to often remind my self of who I was and how I was in the beginning of my mission and I'd have to say he's doing amazing just working on positivity and faith. The work has really been a swamp pit we are teaching mainly one person but we find between 1-3 new people a week but they never keep their appointments and eventually tell us to not come back and the people who do want to meet just want to tell us we are wrong lol, but things are good going into a new transfer this week and I feel good like some miracles are coming and the lord has some good work in store for us I also hope some of the people we have found will come around! I had interviews this week they went well he basically told me to not worry about what is happening back home in Oregon.  

So I felt really inspired to share the insight I've been learning as I have fasted and prayed so fervently these last few weeks. And Sundays have been amazing and what I've needed to hear it's been so awesome! so one lesson was on sacrifice and how sacrifice can bring about more sacrifice but in the end the great blessings it brings into our lives next was about tithing and how sacrifice and tithing are so essential. When we pay our tithing we show God we have more faith in him than the temporal things of this world and Nephi said this: “I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them” (1 Nephi 3:7).

I know without a doubt in my heart this gospel is true and that I have been called to serve and labor among the people of Colorado at this time for a reason not all reasons have I seen but many! I know that Jesus Christ is my personal savior and indeed loves and knows me and he love all his children and because he love th his children he has indeed called Joseph Smith to be his prophet seer and revelatory to restore his church to this earth in these last days and that his predecessors mainly president Russell M Nelson is indeed the living prophet on the earth today. I know that the lord liveth and in the great words of elder Bednar "the tomb is empty" I know we are and never will be alone though Christ I also have come to find the pure joy that is found in him and his redeeming love and its our duty to share with all these blessings and knowledge in which we have gained and as we do so we may have a fullness and all rejoice together and I know there is no greater joy! :) 

Hiking Spruce Mountain Trail 

Breakfast at the Trailhead

Hike to Pulpit Rock

Elder Bowles Now posts videos on YouTube

Missionary Mail

Elder Xander Bowles 
Colorado, Colorado Springs Mission
4090 Center Park DR Suit #4
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80916