Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Mommy's Day!!

Dear Moms....lol Dear Family,

This week has been a good week we've stayed busy doing alot of service this week as its gotten nicer there is a lot of spring cleaning going on. We've had fun biking though lol I've come to love biking and pretty good at it too but I truly miss driving :/.  Anyways I got to skype home this week and it was the highlight of my week.  It wasn't as hard of a time as I thought it would be.  It just reminded me of who I am where I came from and that my family loves me.

                                                                        Love that Smile!!

I would like to take a brief moment to say thank you to all those moms out there and all that you do.
and mom I'd like to thank you for the example you've been to me and for every moment you tended to this needy brat and I would also like to thank all the moms that have ever been an example , influence, leaders, or just been there for me I appreciate all of you! I thank you grandmas for raising such wonderful mothers and parents and spoiling us! :) I love you all and you deserve more than a day for all you strive to do for the children even outside of your own kin. I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day! I hope you all have a wonderful week I love you all, and may God be with you till we meet again!
                                                          Love your Elder Bowles

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