Monday, August 6, 2018

All Is Good

Dear family,

So this week seemed to go by quick but long at the same time nevertheless time seems to be passing me by quickly coming upon 17 month mark now the sisters I came out with are going home the end of next transfer there's only a week left of this one and I'll at least have one more with elder moon in pine creek! 

Things this week have been pretty good over all so on Tuesday we had exchanges with our zone leaders I was with Elder Lewis again, him and I always see great miracles and always have a good time. So the last 2 times on exchanges we'll set a goal to find an investigator at a very specific time ie 4:35 and when we do and we go out and Tract when we finish talking to someone that just became an investigator he'll say look at your watch and it will be the exact time we set a goal for! So Wednesday all of our appointments fell through and one of the people we found said she didn't wanna meet but she still has the book of Mormon so maybe down the road things will change? Thursday we spent like all day in downtown springs and at the mission office for appointments so Cordera missionaries had a lot of appointments and we were getting a new car! We got a brand spanking new 2018 Nissan rogue push to start don't have to take the fob out of my pocket ever lol it's super nice i really enjoy driving it! #blessed and our tiwi (the box that monitors our driving) was making our car alarm go off so we had to unplug it for a day till we could call the next day.

2018 Nissan Rouge Mission Car!!!

 Friday we met with our investigator and got to teach the word of wisdom and tithing an she's super awesome and believes everything I think she's getting close!  She says she gets a good feeling of peace and knows it's right when we ask about how praying about being baptized is going! And Saturday we attended a member baptism and met people from Kimberly, Idaho that was cool and Sunday we had an amazing fast Sunday we bore our testimonies in church I made elder Moon get up 😁
lol but 2 & 3 hours were huge answers to my prayers they were such inspired lessons and exactly what I had needed and in young men's they talked about being an example and all the youth were talking about how they helped a younger sibling and I shared how you can inspire your family even your parents and I shared some of the things from my life and my mom has always told me since I was born I've been a special spiritual kid and always been an example for what's right.

I would just like to close with my personal testimony that I know Jesus is The Christ I know he lives he loves us he knows us by name and knows everything we are going through. I also testify that you are never alone in times of sorrow and times of joy he is there! one of my favorite scriptures is Isaiah 58:11 "And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not."  There is so much peace and joy to be had in Christ. I know that God loves us and he continues to call Prophets on the earth today who help lead us and guide us I know the Book Of Mormon to be the word of God and I know that it contains the fullness of the everlasting gospel once again established on the earth today and I know that it does indeed bring great joy, peace, courage and pure happiness into our lives as we read it and apply the principle in our lives and I know of a surety of these things because of the spirit which testifies of truth and I know you All can come to the same or similar knowledge of these truths by simply asking your Father in Heaven in the name of Christ with real intent having faith in Christ! I love you all hope your having the most glorious week and I miss you all look forward to hearing from you all.

Love your Elder Xander Bowles😁

Hike to some Water Falls on Thomas Trail

Elder Bowles Now posts videos on YouTube

Missionary Mail

Elder Xander Bowles 
Colorado, Colorado Springs Mission
4090 Center Park DR Suit #4
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80916

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