Monday, May 8, 2017

First Transfer Down

Hello family,

So this week has been really good on Tuesday it poured on the way to service and we got soaked and someone sped up to splash me with a puddle and the water nailed me.  Then I hit a puddle with my tire and my bike slipped out from under me. It was funny LOL.  Also this week we taught two new investigators that was exciting. My first real investigator lessons. So every six weeks is transfers but I stay here because training is 12 weeks and then I will probably be here another 6 weeks and get what we call greenie broken by someone else as I teach them the area and then I'll most likely transfer after that.  We had zone conference this last week and that was like 8 hrs at the church doing missionary training type stuff. There was a huge lightning storm that was really cool. Mother's day is coming soon I'm so excited to Skype! I don't have a lot to say about my week a lot of its in my videos I post. I hope you all have a wonderfull week and I love you all
                                                                            God be with you till we meet again,
                                                                                                                   Love elder Bowles

We had a Ward Hike on Saturday and we could go because There was going to be Non members there.

Hike to Fox Run

 Elder McCall and Elder Bowles

Fox Run

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