Monday, April 3, 2017

Colorado Springs - Bike Area

Hello friends and family,

I've been in Colorado for one week now and its very different from Oregon but i like it. I'm in a bike only area is about 3-4 miles long and about 2-3 miles wide and I live near the middle top so Colorado is all a big hill or slope and I live near the top slope of my area so I ride down hill to appointments then back up hill with a head wind to another lol.
Elder Bowles with President and Sister Rehm

1st day in Colorado Springs, CO

But its fun and I enjoy it the people here are very awesome most of our work in the area isn't a lot of trackting or investigators it's less actives and part member families. My companion is nice and we have fun his name is Elder McCall, he's from Burley, Idaho and is a mountain biker so trying to keep up is fun plus I haven't acclimated yet and the elevation change is huge from Oregon.

Elder McCall & Elder Bowles

So here is a fun little fact our mission has the biggest fleet of mission cars in the world and I'm in an only biking area lol. I'll be here for at least 2 transfers maybe even 3 so 12 plus weeks.

My Bike Helmet

We have the nicest and most expensive apartments in the whole mission. We have a stove, a dishwasher, and a washer and dryer and a nice bathroom and there's a computer lab and( a pool and hot tub I wish I could use ).   My companion started the dishwasher the other day and put the wrong soap in.  That was fun.
My companion Used the wrong soap Brilliant!
 I loved conference this weekend.  I liked the part where they talked about how we need to start from the basics no matter how long we have been members reread the BOM (Book of Mormon)  and act like an investigator reconvert our selves. I also liked the quote "let go of the world to hang on to eternity" 
Oh and it snowed for like 2 days and melted lol the weather here is crazy, its so flat you can see for miles but can be very windy.

Representing Oregon Well

There is one hill above our apartments where alot of members live called Peterson and it sucks especially when I have to go to the bottom of my area then back up to Peterson it's like 4 Miles uphill with a head wind. But all in all I love it here and I will send pics and fill you in when I meet more people and such.
I love you all and God be with you till we meet again. 

                                                                                  Love, Elder Bowles

I got this mug from a member he makes them for all the missionaries he's in the army hence the flag

Cookies and Milk!!

Ready for the Weather

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